Isolation Will Kill Connection

In these times, it’s easy to isolate ourselves… to retreat, to pull back. The problem with isolation is we lose connection with others and oftentimes, ourselves. The minute we lose connection, we are disconnected and the minute we are disconnected, we’ve lost alignment – that’s when we begin to “short...

“I Don’t Know” is Killing You!

Oh the unfortunate power of: “I don’t know” I don’t know how to make this better… I don’t know what I want… I don’t know how to make the switch… I don’t know how to get healthy… I don’t know the answer… I am a firm believer that WE ALWAYS...

Does Change Scare You?

CHANGE is a scary word for most, around 62% to be more specific. I am the first to admit, I dig me some change. Like, I like it A LOT. But for most, it’s not your jam. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself. I am here to tell...

Where does happiness come from?

Do y’all remember the movie Trolls? It’s such an amazing movie in it’s message about happiness and we watch as the Bergens, creatures who are constantly miserable, have it in their minds that true happiness only comes one day of the year when they get to eat a Troll. We...

Why is Vision so Hard?

“People without vision perish.” I don’t know about you but I don’t want to perish. AND YET, there are way too many of us struggling to live our lives without any sense of vision. Truth be told: it’s hard! Vision is hard! BUT, I’ve got a little secret to make...

Why is Vision so Powerful?

What is a Limitless Vision and Why is it So Powerful? (an excerpt from my upcoming book DREAM: I Dare You) Vision, by definition is the ability to think or plan the future with imagination and wisdom. Imagination and wisdom. Whoa. 2 words we don’t give nearly enough credit. Lets...

Be You. Do You. For You!

It’s Valentine’s Day. Now, I admit, I am not a fan… for so many reasons but since it is a thing, here’s what I must say: Of all the love you could experience today, here is what I wish for you: SELF LOVE. It’s something we can easily overlook. And...

What Gets Your Attention, Gets Your Life

    The reason you fear is because you focus on fear. The reason you doubt is because you focus on your doubt. How about this antidote: Focus on something different… Like, I don’t know, Faith or Trust?! Here’s why:   #rethink #LiveVISION #livePURPOSED #liveFAITH #liveTRUST #onethoughtaway #totalliferecall...

How to Overcome Fear and Doubt

Fear and doubt are the NUMBER ONE KILLERS of a Vision Focused, Purposed Life. And yet, we ALL struggle with it. Most “put up with it”. Most tolerate it. But as Malcom X said, “That which we don’t hate, we’ll eventually tolerate.” Y’all. Do you HATE your fear? Do you...

Procrastination is Killing Your Vision

The actual definition of procrastination is: “the action of delaying or postponing something.” Here’s where my head is at in regards to procrastination these days: We should have no excuse or reason to allow it in our lives. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Not at all. It’s in moments like Kobe Bryant’s...
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DREAM - I Dare You
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community