How to Live from Heart, not Hurt

Lets talk about heart. Even when I say that, what comes up for you? When I say, “Live with heart?” What’s your immediate knee jerk reaction? I guarantee it’s two things: A still, small voice that says: “YES. YES! I was born for that!” And then quickly after, a competing...

The Problem With Avoidance

Did you know there are ROADBLOCKS to living your dreams? Yea, who’d a thought?! You wanna know the first 3, the “tricky triplets” I call them: Avoidance. Busy. Comparison. How many of you can relate to those tricky triplets? Yea. We’re going to address these in a 3 part series...

Creation vs. Comparison

Times have changed. And, fast. We’ve lost revenue… lost businesses… lost “normal” habits and routines… and yes, even some have lost their minds. For others, it’s simply give us a time to pause… reflect… rethink… reboot… re-strategize… and yes, even relax a little. Regardless, change is upon us and fortunately...


How many of us want to be clear? Clear on our next steps… clear on how to live healthy… clear on how to have more passion in our relationships… clear on how to make more money… clear on what to do next… heck, clear on our life’s purpose. We all...

Dreamers Take Action

ACTION We’re going to talk about action. And how, in order to be a Dreamer, you have to know how to take action… “Dreaming is a verb. It requires action.” – JG And oftentimes, The ONLY difference between your dreams and your reality is action.   We’re going to talk...

Dreaming is a Juxtaposition

I am psyched to share an excerpt from my upcoming book that has NEVER been read… NOT EVEN MY EDITOR y’all. That’s what being a PURPOSED Subscriber is all about. So forgive the grammar, but ENJOY!!! (And stay tuned for details on my book, you’ll be the first to get...

F Comparison!

Comparison. Can I please be honest with you and say “F Comparison”. I mean for real. It literally has the power to ROB your joy. It will stifle your creativity. It will kill your progress. It will absolutely empty your heart and soul. It’s a bunny trail of horrible. A...

What Does Purpose Actually Mean?

The second most commonly asked question I get asked as it pertains to purpose is: “What is purpose????” Is a WAY OVERUSED, quite MISUNDERSTOOD term in my mind. It’s been a bit watered down for how freaking important it is… Here’s the BEST story I have found to give you...

What Is My Purpose?

The NUMBER ONE question I get asked, hands down is: “How do I figure out my purpose?” I think we’re sorely mistaken because we have this vision of purpose being this weird, ambiguous thing that’s “out there… somewhere… beyond me”. Hence why we are searching. We buy more stuff… we...

“Thank God it’s Friday!”

“I can’t wait ‘til the weekend?!” “Thank God it’s Friday…” “UGH. Here comes Monday.” Who’s guilty for saying or thinking one of these statements?! Have you ever considered that if you’re dreading Monday or waiting for Friday that maybe, just MAYBE, you need to re-evaluate your life or how you’re...
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community