Posts filed under: ReThink

Where is God in All of This?

Do you need HOPE in the midst of so much uncertainty? Do you need CLARITY in the midst of so much unknown? Do you need VISION in the midst of so much chaos? Do you need to know where God is in the midst of all of this crazy? Then...


Have you found yourself wondering, “Is there something more?” If so, YOU are a Dreamer in waiting and we are your biggest advocate. In this video we offer an introduction to our 6 week, online course DREAM: Now that is designed to not only help you get unstuck but completely...

How’s Your Self-Care?

Yea. I asked it: How’s your self-care? So truth be told, I am an eight on the Enneagram. For those of you who don’t know what that is it’s a personality profile. And I am known as a challenger. Historically, challengers are not good about self care. For many reasons....

How Are You?

How are you? I mean, what a loaded question as of lately, eh?? That question has so many answers doesn’t it? And depending upon when someone asks you will depend upon the answer you will likely give. However, may I remind all of you believers out there, if our confidence...

Is Comparison Stopping You From Living Your Dreams?

Comparison is absolutely robbing your ability to dream. If you are comparing yourself… to other people, to the industry, to even the younger version of you or where you thought you were going to be Q3 before COVID, you’ve got to watch this and unlearn comparison:...

How to Live from Heart, not Hurt

Lets talk about heart. Even when I say that, what comes up for you? When I say, “Live with heart?” What’s your immediate knee jerk reaction? I guarantee it’s two things: A still, small voice that says: “YES. YES! I was born for that!” And then quickly after, a competing...

The Problem With Avoidance

Did you know there are ROADBLOCKS to living your dreams? Yea, who’d a thought?! You wanna know the first 3, the “tricky triplets” I call them: Avoidance. Busy. Comparison. How many of you can relate to those tricky triplets? Yea. We’re going to address these in a 3 part series...

Creation vs. Comparison

Times have changed. And, fast. We’ve lost revenue… lost businesses… lost “normal” habits and routines… and yes, even some have lost their minds. For others, it’s simply give us a time to pause… reflect… rethink… reboot… re-strategize… and yes, even relax a little. Regardless, change is upon us and fortunately...
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