What does it take to trade a 4,000 square house to live in a five by ten trailer? Preparing to hit the road again, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry share some great wisdom about the power of letting go—not only in the sense of traveling but also in the mindset of being a dreamer and creator in this life. In a world that celebrates having more of anything and everything, how do we move counter to that and just start to let go? What stops us from letting go? Why do we keep doing the same things, expecting a different result? Julia and Gentry give the answers as they take you through the process of letting go and finding out the power that is within that.

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The Power of Letting Go

Welcome to another episode of the Dream On podcast. We’re in a box.

We’re in a 5×10 trailer that is hooked up to our car.

Why in the world are we in a 5×10 trailer? He calls it a trailer. I call it a box. Why?

We are getting ready to hit the road. Whatever we can put in here, which I keep telling Julia, we’re not going to pack it. We’re going to bring what we need, the kids’ school stuff, clothes, bikes and some toys.

There are six of us. Whatever we need, going from a 4,000-square foot house into a 5×10 box trailer. We’re going to talk about why we’re in this 5×10 trailer and where we’re going. We’re going to talk about this concept of letting go. As you develop into this mindset of being a dreamer and a creator in this life, it’s important to understand the art of letting go because I feel like we live in a consumer nation. I feel like the media, the news and social media are all about more and more, get and get, have and have. We thought it would be important to dig down deep to talk about the art of letting go.

How hard it is to let go of something and say no to something. Sometimes it is to even start to do something. You have to let go where your identity is attached and that could be stuff. You keep doing something knowing it’s not what you want. It’s not taking you to where you want to be, but it’s easier to keep doing it as opposed to stop doing that and start to do something new. It’s a combination of both, starting and stopping. You want to fill it with something if you’re going to stop something and identifying that and understanding. That’s the whole concept of this show. It takes courage to do this. This is not our first journey. It started several years ago when we had that dream of getting an RV and traveling the country. We love adventure.

At the time, I’ll admit, I didn’t. I have been a recovering controller. I remember when we started to open this can of worms of travel and adventure, pattern interrupts and changing routines. I was stressed out and such a controller that this has been such a journey for me to come out of those levels of stress and control. Why we wanted to talk about this is because a couple of episodes ago, when we talked about the lifting failure. We talked about the stumbling block for a lot of people is that we keep doing what we’ve always done thinking we’re going to get a different result. Whether we do more of what we’ve always done or we keep doing what we’ve always done, thinking that somehow it’s going to change the results that I have.

The reality is that couldn’t be further from the truth. What got me to where I am isn’t going to get me to where I want to be. In order to go somewhere I’ve never gone and do something I’ve never done, yes, there’s going to be some new strategies and implementations. What we have found in our own journey and also physically traveling the country in an RV a couple of different times and in many different ways is that it’s not about adding something to your plate. It’s often about, what am I willing to let go of?

It takes more courage to break a commitment that doesn't serve you then to keep one like it does. Share on X

The hardest thing for us, through that journey, going from that idea and then life, you start to live it out. You start to work and make money, acquire things, your marriage and kids. We woke up and we’re like, “There’s got to be more. I’m not fulfilled. There’s something missing in our life.” Our life is good. Our life is great relative to some of the world around us and the perception of it. Inside, it’s not 100% fulfilling.

The biggest difference in building a life of safety, security, jumping to actualization and potential in your dreams is that, for a lot of us, we either come from nothing. My parents were divorced. I remember people bringing boxes to our door on Christmas morning because my mom couldn’t afford Christmas dinner or presents. What happens for a lot of us is, not everyone, we come from a poorer background. The next thing that we want to do is get what we never had. We want to have more money. We want to have a house. We want to have cars. I want to level up from where I was. We start focusing on those safety, security and stability. What we do is we start focusing in on that.

I remember, even for you and I, once we hit our rock bottom and had no money and we were $100,000 in debt when you look up, you’re like, “All I want is money in the bank, a house to call my own, a white picket fence to protect me and a routine.” I want to also be mindful that we’re talking about real human needs. Maslow’s hierarchy talks about this, “I have real human needs that I have to achieve so that I can continue to progress.” The problem is, I don’t think most of us progress. We get the house, we get the cars, and then what we do is we stack the deck against us because we’ve created the golden handcuffs. I have the job to pay for the mortgage, to pay for all this stuff. If I think about living my dreams, I “can’t” because I have the handcuffs on.

That’s everything, from every relationship to your job to the mortgage to the kids’ school activities.

All of it is the golden handcuffs.

You back yourself in, which is not bad as long as you’re fulfilled. That’s not fulfilling to us. I love seeing new things. I love experiencing new things. I love meeting new people and cultures. It’s amazing when you drive and go to different places. In the US alone, the different energies, the different cultures and the foods and how they taste different in different parts of the country, that’s what fills my soul. It’s not either/or. What we’ve also done is that we’ve swung to the right and to the left sometimes where it’s like, “Either/or.” You can’t have both. We’re stepping into this new season where we’ve done the fifth wheel. We’ve done a 37-foot A class RV. We lived in nice homes. We have a 4,000 plus square foot home that is such a blessing and amazing. There’s more for us. How do we do both? How do we have and be able to travel, meet new people, experience new things, serve our gifts and talents to the world around us and be productive?

The way that you start to unpack this, how do you have what you want? Not even both, but how do you have what you want? What we’re talking about is the willingness and the ability to let go. How do you know what to let go of? How do you know when to let go of it? What do you do with the emotions that come up from letting go? I can even remember when Travis came to me with the idea. This was back a couple of years ago when we finally decided it was time to travel the country in an A-class RV. We were going to do it.

The reason we finally decided to do that is because we said, “We’re either going to do it or we’re never going to talk about it again.” We had been talking about it. It’s like the Dreamer’s loop when it’s like, “I’m tired of talking about this. We’re either going to do this or we’re not.” We finally looked at each other and said, “We’re going to do it.” Travis said, “We need to sell everything.” That whole concept of the living estate sale.

DO 9 | Process Of Letting Go

Process Of Letting Go: What’s the power and the art of letting go when we live in a world that is, in theory, counter to that concept?


At first, I was like, “Great. Let’s do it.” We sold everything. It was dramatic in essence. It was the craziest and wildest thing. I remember waking up the next morning and feeling this emptiness and freedom all at the same time. Both emotions were interesting to me because here we have sold everything, 1,700 gift bags, my nine vases and our couch, everything. You sit with going, “We’re free. There’s nothing holding us back.” We can go anywhere we ever wanted to be, which feels free but then feeling I’ve let go. My attachment to my gift bags. What if I need a vase for the flowers?

All my stuff is gone.

Let’s dig in about all the things that come up with, how do you know it’s time to let go? When do you let go? Why do you let go? What’s the power and the art of letting go when we live in a world that’s, in theory, might be counterintuitive to that concept?

Let’s talk about it from all areas of life. It’s not just stuff. It’s not like moving and traveling. That’s not for everybody. It’s what we love to do. How do we incorporate traveling and serving the gifts and talents and being productive and having our business and raising our kids and letting them know like, “We’re choosing this. We want to do this. We don’t have to. Let’s make it as fun as possible?” They can learn as we’re on the road. They get real-world, real-time experience.

You bring up a good point. Even though we call ours traveling in an RV or traveling the country, whatever it is for you, when we say that, we’re talking about your dream. Wherever your true north is or what you’re feeling called to do or what God’s got on the inside of you, when we’re talking specifically about travel or RV or all that, it’s the it. That way we’re not confused. Whatever it is for you, we’re going to use our examples in our analogy because it paints a great picture of the concept. Getting in an RV or, for us, a 4,000 square foot house, we don’t have the house packed. We’ve done a good job of having the necessities. What are we physically going to let go of in order to get into this 5×10 trailer to go with the world and to do what we want to do?

We’re not looking to sell everything. We’re going to put everything in storage, besides the stuff that we need on a daily, weekly basis. That’s what we’re fitting in here.

Let’s talk about what does it mean to let go? Why do we not let go? Why do we hold on to things longer? Why do we keep doing the same things expecting a different result?

It comes a lot back to you create your identity, whether it’s a relationship or the house or the car, back into who you are and who you’ve been over a period of time. You get comfortable. No matter how bad that is, you can be miserable in a relationship. You can be miserable at your job. You would rather have that miserable relationship or job or whatever it is because you know how it feels. You’re experiencing it. Even though it sucks, it’s hard to say, “I don’t know what the other side is going to look like. It’s going to be hard so I’ll stay here because I’ve experienced it already.”

It takes no faith to let go and grab onto something that's already there. It takes zero boldness and courage. Share on X

It’s the comfortable hell as opposed to unfamiliar heaven taking that leap where it’s like, “It’s easy.” We’ve done that too. You start to go down a path and then for you to turn around and say, “No, this isn’t the path,” even though it’s not from perception, is bad. It’s good. Some people are like, “I would do anything to be able to have that or do that.” It’s understanding who you are and what you want. Knowing that it’s like, “This is not where I want to go. I have to give this up because it’s taking up my time.”

The energy or mental capacity or whatever it is, which is interesting. It’s one of those things that I feel like it’s the simplest, stupidest, hardest thing to do. You could say all day long, “I want to be good at riding a bike, but I am going to keep riding my rollerblades all day long because someday I’ll be good at riding a bike.” You feel good for a minute because you keep saying, “I’m going to be great on my bike one day.” You’re like, “Yes, you are. You got this.” You put on your rollerblades again. All you know how to do, and you’ve done it day in and day out, is how to put on your rollerblades. You keep talking about being good on your bike, but then when the reality is, when we sit down and go, “What did you do now to be good on your bike?” You’re like, “I rode my roller skates.” That’s not going to get you to be good on a bike. It’s going to keep you good at roller skating.

The other point that we’ve experienced, and I see a lot of people, you get to a certain age and you think you should know everything. As opposed to asking for help or getting a mentor or being around people, you’re definitely going to look stupid because you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re not supposed to, but you have this preconceived notion of everybody cares about you as opposed to you stepping out, like going to the skate park the last couple of times. I did too.

I love snowboarding and wakeboarding and all that growing up. The boys’ skateboard and scooter and I was like, “I’m going to get a skateboard.” I got to skateboard and feel like a total idiot. I got past that. I got on it. Within the first week, I feel like I almost broke both my wrist falling down. I haven’t been back on it. It’s the same thing. There’s this physical manifest. When I go to the skate park, there are twelve-year-old and fourteen-year-olds that are ripping it up. I feel stupid to jump on a skateboard and try to skate around with them because I’m too old. That’s this false truth that I’ve created for myself, I’m too old. I’ve been to the skate park the last couple of times with Malachi. There was a dad, full gear, helmet, pads, everything and I’m like, “That’s amazing.” He was helping another kid that was probably 5 or 6 to drop into this bowl. We’ve got to stop making everything mean so much about us.

Which is the number one. If we look at this whole journey of going to a place you’ve never gone, doing what you’ve never done, fully manifesting what God has put on the inside of you, ego can’t go with you. We live in such an ego, me focused, “What do they think about me? What is this going to mean about me?” It’s such a survival mindset. It’s such a tier two thinking of, “What does everybody think about me?” Your ego cannot go with you. Even as I am saying this, I have felt it many times. Even writing this book and trying to put my content out there, my ego is way louder than I thought it was.

Everybody is because if you back up and back into why people don’t switch careers or start a business or whatever, it’s all ego-based. It’s fear and doubt of, “I should be a certain way.” I go to my family and say, “I’m going to quit this great paying job and I’m going to do X. I want to start this little side hustle.” You may get some people that laugh or say, “You’re not going to be successful. I heard someone and I saw someone, they tried and it didn’t work.” It’s all the things as opposed to being convicted by, “This is my dream because I have this thought, it’s an original thought to me. God put it in me. Potentially, no one else is thinking it around me.”

For you to come up and say, “I’m going to go and pursue this. I’m going to go back to school or start this business or change careers.” That ego is hard. Understand that you have to take care of whatever commitments that you have. We start to make so many commitments that it confines us and imprisons us of having to stay there. You’ve got the mortgage. You’ve got cars. You bought all the stuff and you put it on credit cards. You spent your future. You have to stay in this job or career or whatever you’re doing to sustain your lifestyle.

The number one thing that you’re going to have to let go of is the ego, for sure. Let’s talk about what you’re saying. How do you let go of all those things then? What if that awareness is, “I’ve been building life in a direction that I thought I wanted. Now, it’s not what I want.” What do you do? There are two trains of thought. We’re talking to someone that’s like, “If you make a commitment, you see that commitment all the way through no matter what.” You and I come from a little bit of a different methodology, maybe it would serve us if we made our commitment slower. How do you know what commitments you need to break so you can shift and move in the direction that you need to be?

DO 9 | Process Of Letting Go

Process Of Letting Go: Letting go of your ego takes letting go of some of the commitments that are going to take you down a path.


That’s part of the journey of life, in general. My nephew is going to school and he’s not 100% of like, “This is the degree I want. This is the career I want.” It’s always trial and error. You get to a point when you’re in your 30s or 40s, you have to have it all figured out. You can’t stop doing something. The hardest decision sometimes is when you’ve got to take full ownership of it and say, “I made a mistake. I took this job, but it’s not the right job for me. I started this business and I had some partners and I see what I didn’t see. If I keep going down this path, it’s not going to be fulfilling.” It’s not going to serve you either. Making that decision or in a relationship and saying, “We’re serious and all that, but this is not the relationship for me.” Hopefully, it sets both of you free to find the right relation.

That’s where the courage comes into. A lot of it is not only letting go of your ego, it’s going to be letting go of some of the commitments that are going to take you down a path that you know. This is a deeper knowing. This is really intuitive, alignment with yourself and with God that goes, “I have to be honest with myself,” which I don’t think most are. “I have to say that if I keep doing this, this is not going to get me to where I want to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, anything. I’m going to have to start letting go of these commitments.” One of the hardest and one that takes the most amount of courage is to be able to break the commitments that you’ve made.

Some of the commitments that I’ve broken over my lifetime are some of the hardest, but some of the best as far as down the road. You’ve got to look at it not from the here and now.

All it does is it’s another short-term decision. To your point, I’m stacking them. Even though I’m trying to take the path of least resistance, I have to make this now. What I’m doing is all of these short-term decisions are creating this barrier between what I want most. I’m getting further and further away from what I want because I’m continuing to stack the deck against me.

It becomes your crutch, your excuse of why you’re not doing it, “Why do I have this?” I get it and understand that, but you’re the one that did it. You’re the one that backed yourself. Let’s be courageous and start to unravel that. Some of it is going to hurt someone else because you made a decision. In the long run, it’s going to work out and be beneficial for you and whatever that commitment is that you made.

You and I have learned this. Somehow, looking back in our life when we didn’t even have the consciousness that this is what we’re doing, we’ve had the courage to quit a lot of things that weren’t serving us. You and I are probably better at that. What it has done is it has slowed us down to making future decisions.

You learned so much.

You don’t want to do that again. Don’t stop, but slow down.

Do the best that you can until you know better; then, when you know better, do better. Share on X

You have to look at it and say, “Let’s look at it from a new perspective and new experience not only here and now but in the future. If I’m going to make this commitment, is it truly the commitment that I want to make?” If I’m making a commitment with a person, business, whatever it may be, you can look down the road. You have to go through those situations sometimes because you have no context.

Even for this time, we’re relating it back to this dream, which is traveling the country again, one, because we love adventure, to your point, two, because of this book and all of our programs that we’re launching. We want to be out in the world with people. We have the context because we’ve done it in a fifth wheel with two kids. We’ve done it in an A-class with three kids. This time, we’re like, “We’re going to rent a house.”

We’re going to Vrbo and not because those ones were wrong. When we did it the first time and in sections, you don’t have enough context. The idea is that if you don’t go and try and make a commitment and stop a commitment, you’ll never have the context. Use the wisdom as you move forward to go, “I’ve got to break a few commitments that I’ve made in order to get on a new path.” It’s part of the course. Do the best that you can. We talked about this in the previous episode. Do the best that you can until you know better. When you know better, do better. Once you start breaking those commitments, you’ve got to make it your own personal vow with yourself to go, “I’ve got to be slower in making commitments to make sure that the commitment that I’m making is going to get me to where I want to be.”

Take ownership of it. For yourself and for anybody that it could have affected, it’s taking extreme ownership. Jocko already says it in his book, Extreme Ownership. It may have not been your fault, 100%, but you made the decision in some capacity and you’re a part of it. Take responsibility for your actions and your decision. As far as how someone else takes that in or internalizes it or process it, it’s not yours. You can’t then hold on to that and look at it if the reaction is not the way you want and be like, “I’m a failure. I’m bad. I can’t make good decisions.” You’ve got to also make sure and protect your mind in those situations knowing, “I’m sorry. I take ownership.” Whatever is said after that or even the emotions, not even anything that is said, it’s like, “The evil me pops up and is like, ‘You did it again. You’re a failure. You can’t follow through.’”

My mom says this, “What’s mine? What’s yours?” At some level extreme ownership goes, you take as much ownership as you can, but then the way that they’re going to respond, I can’t control that. I can’t control how they’re going to respond. I can’t control how they’re going to react. That’s not mine, which would be another thing that you have to let go of. You’ve got to let go of ego. You’ve got to let go of some of your commitments. You’ve got to let go of your attachment.

We get attached to many different things, our emotional attachment, mental attachment, physical attachment. We grab on to things because we’re trying to compartmentalize the world and create all of this. We create so much meaning and interpretations around something that it stops us. If I keep holding on to the fact that I’ve hurt many people or I failed many times or I tried once and I failed, it stops me from the freedom and alignment of doing what’s next to do. It’s our attachment to things. It’s our biases. It’s our experiences turned into interpretations that we call our own and then we hold on to those suckers.

It could be family, friends or someone you met. You took this job and then a week later or a day later, you’re like, “This isn’t for me.” It could be a stranger. Whatever they say, you can’t carry. At the same time, show them. No words are probably going to change their mind. Show yourself that, potentially, whatever is spoken over you is not true. Show yourself, which then will show them which will set them free, “I’m going to learn from this and be better. I’ll show you that I’m better through my actions.”

As long as I’m attached, I can’t do that. There’s no freedom in attachment. If I’m attaching myself to a potential outcome or what you think of me or my routines or my habits or my seventeen vases before I sold them, whatever our attachments are, I have no freedom to show me, to prove it. It’s almost like that concept we were talking about. As long as I’m holding on to something, my hands are not open to grab on to the next thing.

DO 9 | Process Of Letting Go

Process Of Letting Go: You have to have some resistance to be able to expand, go to that next level, and handle more.


It’s impossible to figure out what’s next and where I’m going. The potential and the abundance and the variety and whatever that is, if I’m still holding on tightly to whatever it is, I don’t have space to open my hands for something new. That’s what we’re wanting. It’s almost like, “I’ll let go of this when you give me that.” That takes no faith. This is what is hysterical. In the Bible, it talks about like, “David was a man of faith. Esther had faith.” All of us are like, “Yes. I want to be a woman and man of faith. God, you drop the result right here then I’ll let go.” That doesn’t take faith.

Let’s be clear. If we want to be people of faith, it takes no faith to let go and grab on to something that’s already there. That takes zero faith. It takes zero boldness. It takes zero courage. It says, “You can have this and I’m going to grab this.” That’s easy. That’s not faith. If we don’t let go of something, anything, emotional, mental, spiritual, then I can’t build my faith. My faith is built when I let go. The reason I slowed down is because my life flashed before my eyes. We’ve been here before. We’ve done this before. We’ve traveled. The level of faith that it’s starting to require in me, you start to look at yourself in the mirror and go, “I thought I had faith.” This is another area to strengthen more faith.

There are different levels of faith.

That’s what I’m saying. You’re going like, “I thought I had it. I thought I had a lot.” It’s proving the circumstances in front of me or that level of control that I don’t have or if I’m going to let go of this and I’m going to grab on to this. I see like, “I’ve got more room to grow than I thought I did, but I can’t see that if I’m not willing to let go of my attachments.”

What are you attached to?

I’m still attached to a level of control. I look back at my life and I’ve either always done something that I know the answer to or I’m good at. I’m finally at a place. That’s why it has made me a great coach. The coach knows it all. The coach always has the answer. I’ve been playing in the realm of that’s my role. I’m moving into a direction where most of the time I might say, “I don’t know.” It’s crazy because I built my life around knowing.

Looking at not just in the coaching realm but some of the things to learn, to be able to get the message out there, and redoing the website. We’ve done it half a dozen times, update and tweaked and changed. We’re looking at YouTube. How do you do that? The podcast, putting all the pieces together. There’s a lot of people that we respect and that we watch and listen to. It looks easy.

It’s simple, stupid, hard.

God's bigger than any situation. Share on X

We realized the effort and the energy that they’ve put into doing what they do. It’s up to us to say, “We’re going to go down this path knowing that we’re going to feel inadequate or feel stupid.” We want that result because that’s going to be more fulfilling to us than throwing up our hands and saying, “That’s too hard.” There are too many moving pieces with some of the stuff that we’re doing where it feels overwhelming.

We’ve all experienced this at one point, you do it and then two months later, you’re like, “That wasn’t as hard.” We want the result. We even talked about that a little bit. You want the results of what we see, but you have got to understand that some of the people that have been doing some of the things that we want to do and we’re modeling, they’ve been doing it for ten years. We want it now or yesterday as opposed to saying, “I’m going to go through the process.” Coming back to faith, your level of faith is also the level of faith in finances, relationships and business. It’s all encompassing. You have to grow that. You have to have some resistance to be able to expand, go to that next level, handle more.

The next process of letting go is being able to enjoy the journey. One of our values as well is joy. It’s like, “How do I have joy?” The Bible says, “Rejoice always. Give things often.” Pray continuously. There is a reason that it says, “Rejoice always.” You’re like, “How?” “Because I’m giving thanks, continually.” “How?” “Because I’m praying all the time.” It’s clear the way that you rejoice. If you can rejoice in all things, that means your perspective is in the right place. Bill Johnson talks about this all the time.

It convicted me hardcore when I was listening to it again because he says, “If you can give things in all things, in anything, your perspective is in the right place.” You either know that the trial is making you better. You know that God is bigger than the situation. Even though you’re in a hard or in a financial situation that you’re struggling or your business is going under or whatever, if I can still give thanks to God and trust, then it means that he’s still bigger in my world than the circumstance.

I’m not going, “Look at this, it’s big. God of the universe can’t solve it,” which is what we do. If I have joy in all things, that means I’ve let go of my fear, my worry, my doubt. When it comes up, I know how to shift it and replace it. You’re enjoying the journey. You’re enjoying the day-to-day of building the muscle, the strength, the result. It’s not about the result. It’s about who I become on the way because when I get there, I want to stay there. I need the muscle along the way. I need the lessons along the way because getting there isn’t easier.

It’s almost like a GPS on your phone. If you pass your exit, you get rerouted. If you don’t learn the lesson, you’re going to get rerouted and go in circles almost. As opposed to like, “I’m going to enjoy the journey.” You look at your GPS and you type in the address and there are 3, 4, 5 different ways to get there, the quickest way to the slowest way. Sometimes the quickest way is not the best way. Sometimes, you have to go 2 or 3 times because you’re not learning some of the lessons. You’re not learning to have faith. You’re not learning and growing through the experiences to be able to handle. Once you get to that place, can you not only stay there, can you maintain it?

Not only can you get there, but can you maintain it?

Can you grow from there? That’s your new level of foundation.

DO 9 | Process Of Letting Go

Process Of Letting Go: The next process of letting go is being able to enjoy the journey.


We all want that whole concept. Mark Manson talks about this all the time, which is he wanted to be in a band. He wanted to be a star until he realized, “I’m not doing anything. Night after night, my friends are doing gigs. They’re playing and they’re practicing.” He’s like, “I like the idea of being a star. Let’s be honest, I don’t want to be a star because I’m not doing the hard things to be a star.” Even to this point, sometimes we busy our schedules and our to-do lists are long. If I look at my to-do list, I have fewer things on there but they’re harder to do. I have to let go because I have to put all of my attention on where we’re going, which is new and it’s outside of my comfort zone. You have to strip away the busy. Let go of being busy so you can build your belief. As long as I’m busy, then I don’t have to dig deep and believe. I don’t have to dig deep and go, “What am I made of? What does God say about this? What am I convicted by?” I’m busy and I’m doing my to-do list. I feel good about accomplishing all these things, but I’m on a treadmill. I’m not out living my life.

The difference between being productive as opposed to busy. I’m busy, but am I productive? Am I hiding in that busy? I keep pushing off what’s important to me because of everything that we’ve talked about. Six months go by, a year goes by, and you’re like, “Where did the time go?” You were hiding and you were procrastinating. You were busying yourself with things that aren’t what you and who you want to become.

That is why we’re depressed, depleted, frustrated, and worried about other people’s business and busy comparing, because we’re not rooted and established enough in what we’re needing and wanting to do. For me, I noticed the minute that I am not focused on what I want to be doing, I’m comparing, I’m judging. I’m in more fear zone or more anxiety. For me, that is always now a trigger of like, “Whose business am I in? I must not be doing something hard enough in my own life because I have time to sit and think about what someone else is doing.”

You worry about what someone else is maybe thinking.

Also, that means I’m not doing enough pushups in my own life. I have time. If you’re running and you carry on a conversation, they’re like, “You’re running fast enough.” That’s the whole concept here. Am I willing to let go of this busy lifestyle? Am I willing to get into my journey and enjoy the journey of what it’s allowing me to become?

It’s comfortability.

You’ve got to let go of comfort. Here’s what we’re going to encourage you to do, follow us. Go to TheDreamFactoryAndCo.com and subscribe to all the things. We are going to share this journey with you. We will not be a perfect skeptical of what this looks like. We’re not going to deliver this product when it’s perfectly packaged and a nice little bow on top. We’re going to show the journey and the ins and outs and the ups and the downs of what it looks like to unapologetically chase your dreams. It’s messy. It can be confusing. A lot of stress can pop up. I, badly, want people to be in that journey with us, not because it’s a comfortable place for me to be. Let’s be honest, it’s not. I don’t do a good job of showing weakness. I don’t like that.

You have to go to the YouTube channel. I’ll do some videos on some of the experiences that we had from the car engine blowing up on us when we were traveling the fifth wheel to the other car getting almost totaled while we were traveling in an A-class RV. Some of these experiences, who knows and God willing, nothing like that will happen. We’re learning and growing in other areas. Check out the YouTube channel. I’ll do some videos on some of the things that we went through in this process. One of the houses that we remodeled and almost moved into caught fire 3 or 4 days before we were going to move into it, right before Christmas. All these little things that we’ve had rerouted us to get us to right here. We get to share this.

In order to get what you want, you have to have the courage to let go. Share on X

I second that. We’re going to put it out there. It’s going to be real. It’s going to be raw, some of the stuff that we’re going through and experiencing to showcase. We’re in the midst of ours. We hope it will inspire you and encourage you to look at where you’re at and where you want to go and what do you have to step away from, step back from and uncommit yourself to. Start practicing and doing things that you’ve never done so you can have what you’ve never had before.

Here’s what we encourage you. In order to go to a place you have never been, you’ve got to let go of ego, comfort, attachments, commitments, comparison, busy, these are legit things that you have to let go of. They could be habits and patterns. Even when you are trying to lose weight, the first thing is that you eat less and you walk more. Once you get there, you plateau. That’s the same concept. You’ve got to run or sprint or you have to do intervals. Once you plateau again, it’s like, “You might need to do some weight training.” We all plateau. We do this physically.

If you have plateaued in a certain area of your life, now is the time to go, “What am I willing to let go of, habits, patterns, routines, relationships, that got me to where I am? Not because they’re bad or wrong, but simply because I can’t take it to where I’m going.” All of us, even as you hear those words, you’re going to go. We all know, we do. Are we willing to do it? In order to get what you want, you have to have the courage. It is a courage play. You have to have the courage to let go.

Go to our website for two reasons. Number one, when you go to TheDeamFactoryAndCo.com, there are seven secrets to living bold, which if you go and subscribe to all the things. Also, follow us on our journey. Go to our social media and follow the journey where we will not only be encouraging you in your own journey to live bold, we will be sharing our crazy journey along the way of traveling the country, of putting on this new book, Dream I Dare You, and as many hands as we possibly can get it. Go there. We encourage you that in order to get what you’ve always wanted, maybe you need to let go.

Do something different.

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