A Lesson In Finding Your Dreams

  I got a text from my friend the other day that really has prompted this lesson this week.   Her text was this super cool wall mural that she had taken a picture of that read, “Follow that dream.”   And her comment along with it was, “Made me...

Live Boldly and Manifest Your Dreams Today

  The world is in a pretty chaotic state these days, from the raging politics, natural calamities, to the fleeting pandemic. To get through all of these non-negotiables in life and realize your dreams, you have to live boldly. Join Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry as they discuss the importance...

A Lesson In Finding Your Answer

  Are you looking for answers right now? Do you need a “win?” Do you just want next level accomplishments? Or do you just want some reward for all your hard work?   So how do you do that? How do you find the answers that you’re looking for?  ...

The Power of Letting Go

  What does it take to trade a 4,000 square house to live in a five by ten trailer? Preparing to hit the road again, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry share some great wisdom about the power of letting go—not only in the sense of traveling but also in the...

A Lesson in Willingness

  I am so excited because today I begin a new weekly series called, “A Lesson In…”   This is going to be an ongoing series designed to support you in your GROWTH.   Having fallen into the title of being a “Growth Coach,” I have come to learn firsthand...

The Value Of Time

  For something so universal, the way we treat time is so different. While some people feel that there is not enough of it, there are others who feel like there is too much, killing time and wasting it. In this episode, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry reflect on the...

Your Words Matter

  There is power in your words. You may not realize the impact your words have on your life and in the lives of others, but once you become aware of it, you become better at creating the change you want to make. On today’s show, Julia Gentry and Travis...

How To Rethink – Moving Towards A New Way Of Thinking Part 2

  Wherever you are in life, your thoughts got you to that point. If you are not where you want to be, then maybe it’s time to rethink and do things differently. On the second of a two-part series, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry tie up the rethinking process to...

How To Rethink – Moving Towards A New Way Of Thinking Part 1

  Dreamers need to think differently. In the previous episode, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry took us to the start of their journey to rethink. After all, in order to achieve the things we’ve dreamed of, we can’t keep thinking the same way. However, the challenge for many is how...

Our Journey to Rethink

  Being a dreamer is about realizing that you need to think differently in order to have what you’ve never had and go where you’ve never been before. Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry dedicate this episode to guide you in your journey to rethink by sharing their own journeys and...
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community