You Need Boundaries

I know… I said it: You need boundaries! But y’all, lets be honest, every great vision has to have boundaries! Every great person has to have boundaries. If that’s true, why then do so many of us struggle with this conversation? (And I am talking to you overachievers and burn...

You Don’t Need a Plan

“You don’t always need a plan, just go!“ This is literally a value I have… action. I just have this firm belief that sometimes you just won’t know until you go and too often, we wait for the stars to align, for the plan to “make sense”, for our mind...

Drop That Bad Habit

Do you know why fear, doubt, resentment, shame, guilt, and anger (to name a few) don’t feel good? BECAUSE when you feel these emotions and you begin to embody them, you are actually outside of alignment with your greatest self. You were not put on this earth to feel, embody...

My Emotions Are Getting the Best Of Me

(Excerpt from a book I am currently writing: “Dream. I Dare You.” To be released beginning of 2020!!!!) How many of you can honestly say life, at times, feels like an emotional rollercoaster that you just want off of?? Believe it or not, your emotions don’t just happen. You don’t...

The Key to Growth

SOOOOO…. I think it’s safe to say that we all like the IDEA of growth but very few of us will admit to liking the actual journey of growth. We like the IDEA of change but very few of us admit to liking the actual journey of change. Here’s the...

YOU Are the Solution You Seek

You are the solution to the problem you see.” I know. Already I can feel the backlash and evil eyes. But go with me on this… Has it ever occurred to you that you are wired for so much more than you give yourself credit for? Have you ever considered...

Rethink: “I don’t have enough time…”

Hey y’all. Ok. So today we are going to look at the thought: “I don’t have enough time”. Been there. Said that. We are ALL guilty (if we’re honest). But the problem with that thought is that it literally has the power to debilitate us and drain us and keep...

“I Have NO Self Worth…”

I think one of the biggest pains of my life is watching other people navigate the pain of self worth. Simply because I too have been there. It is lonely. Debilitating. Exhausting. Frustrating. Confusing. And soul crushing… And I think the thing that pains me the most about it is...

What is My Purpose???

The NUMBER ONE question I get asked, hands down is:  “WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?”  I think we’re sorely mistaken because we have this vision of purpose being this weird, ambiguous thing that’s “out there… somewhere… beyond me”. Hence why we are searching. We buy more stuff… we achieve more things… we...

Kick the Habit

Ya’ll. What if I told you fear, worry, doubt, anxiety, and a lack of motivation were all HABITS?!?! Meaning, if you can LEARN them, you can UNLEARN them. This revolutionized my life. AND, continues to do so as I continue to push my own limits and stretch my capacity in...
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DREAM - I Dare You
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community