We all experience pain. We all have insecurities. We all have deficiencies within us. The problem isn’t whether or not we have a hole within us, the problem is found in what we do with it. What do you do with your pain?


What do you do with your fears?

What do you do with your brokenness?

What do you do with the hole you feel within?

The problem isn’t that we’ve all got a hole. The problem is in what we choose to do with it.

Most run and hide.

Why? Because no one wants to admit to the pain they feel inside. No one wants to showcase their hole. No one wants to lower their guard and expose their vulnerability.

Adam and Eve did it in the garden. The moment they chose to sin is the moment they began a lifetime of running and hiding. Then, we became a people who repeated the same vicious cycle.

Yet, the irony is this: We all want to be known but we fear being seen.

So we run. Hide. Strive. Push. Accomplish. Do more.

But what if doing more for God isn’t the sacrifice He’s actually asking for?!

WHAT IF all he wants is your shattered heart?

WHAT IF all God wants is the HOLE in you so He can give you the WHOLE of Him?!

I want to invite you to listen to my full morning devotional on this EXACT topic. CLICK HERE for the full devotional.

I pray you acknowledge the hole you see in you and exchange it for the whole you see in God.

And don’t forget to join me LIVE every morning at 8:30am CST for our 54 Day Challenge to DREAM BOLD, LEAD BIG, and MAKE AN IMPACT for the Kingdom.