Jesus did not die on a cross for facts. He died on a cross because of truth. Jesus did not die on the cross for you to be held back by your past. He died so that you could live in the fullness of his kingdom. Jesus did not die on the cross for you to walk in mediocrity. He died so that you could walk in his nature. Jesus did not die on the cross for you to be overrun by your life. He died so that you would have life and life more abundantly. Do you see what He sees?

“The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive.” Saint Irenaeus

👉🏻It’s easy to get bogged down by life. 

👉🏻It’s easy to let the mundane become the way of life. 

👉🏻It’s easy to throw your past on your future, only to wonder why the future doesn’t look brighter. 

👉🏻And yes, it’s easy to look at the current facts and call them truth. 

But how many of you know facts aren’t truth?!?! 

Jesus did not die on a cross for facts. He died on a cross because of truth. Jesus did not die on the cross for you to be held back by your past. He died so that you could live in the fullness of his kingdom. Jesus did not die on the cross for you to walk in mediocrity. He died so that you could walk in his nature. Jesus did not die on the cross for you to be overrun by your life. He died so that you would have life and life more abundantly. 

God’s word is sooooooooo clear on this. It says: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” Galatians 5:1. 

I’ll say that again, it is FOR FREEDOM that you and I now get to live FROM FREEDOM. 


That’s now your origin. That’s the place you begin. That’s where you’re day starts, it’s the source of your decision making. This is how you ought to think, plan, and live. It’s not a destination; it’s a starting point. 

That means, you no longer have to lower your standards to fit the narrative around you! Say it with me, “This is NOT my narrative.” 

Can I get an AMEN?! 

Jesus died so that you would LIVE FREE. You no longer have to lower your standards to fit fact, you take those facts and you cause them to align with truth. You take what’s happening around you and you begin to walk in authority. You take the doctors report, the anxiety, the scarcity, the job loss, the relationship that’s falling apart and you begin declaring the true word of God over each and every area that is not in alignment with it and you don’t stop until it’s aligned. You take your past and you tell those dry bones to align with Heaven’s destiny over your life. You take those dead dreams and you tell them to come alive! You take that fear and you break it’s back. 

That verse in Galatians goes onto say, “Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5:1. Do not let yourself go back to the slavery that was already bought with a price with your name written all over it. Jesus did that. Why would you rehash it?! 

Now, I get it. Life can throw some curveballs. Obstacles can feel insurmountable. We’ve all got some big questions for God. Yet, we cannot make those curve balls, insurmountable circumstances, and big questions bigger than God. They’re NOT. 

Repeat after me: God IS BIGGER, period. 

So today, what am I inviting you into?! 


Right now, I literally want you to stop what you’re doing and I want you to breathe in freedom. Breathe out freedom. Breathe in freedom, breathe out freedom. 

And everyday, for the rest of your life, I want you to ask yourself, “If I was FREE (cuz you are), what would I do?!” 

I know. I can hear you already… “It’s not that simple JG.” 

I hear you. 

It IS that simple. 

Simple. Stupid. Hard.

It IS that simple. And yes, it will be that hard. But let’s be honest, if you think walking in the freedom of the Lord is hard, try walking in bondage! If you think freedom is hard, try living in jail.

Pick your hard, my friend. 

And from the bottom of my heart, I pray you speak to that soul of yours and you tell it to arise in Jesus’ name, to wake up, and to live fully alive!! 

Begin each day, with this simple, yet profound question, “What would I do if I was FREE IN THE LORD?!”

Now, oh child of God, go do that! 👉🏻🔥👉🏻🔥

To hear more on this, TUNE IN to my morning devotional on the difference between TRUTH VS. FACT and why it matters.

#livefree #dreamon #dreambold #livebig #idareyou