Dream Team – Nora Abell

Nora Abell

Director of Dream Academy

Nora Dream Team

For the last 2 decades Nora has successfully empowered thousands of business owners, pastors, and leaders to rediscover their value and significant purpose. She has also trained leaders and facilitators to effectively run their own coaching businesses. With over 20 years of additional experience in advertising and marketing and building deep and long lasting business communities, she is an expert in empowering people to own their unique value while also seeing the value of others in order to capitalize on abundant prosperity in every area of life- career, relationships, finances and your physical and emotional well being.

As the Director of DREAM: Academy and Lead Trainer for The Dream Factory and Co. Facilitator Training, Nora is paving a way for people to take the D.R.E.A.M. Framework to a whole new level.

What is your Limitless Vision?
My Limitless Vision is a world where everyone would know they are a valued, loved and highly favored child of God, having all the resources they need to live the life they love with those they love. I am convicted that we should all LIVE as a BELOVED BRIDE and my mission in this life is to help people discover and own their value as a beloved bride of Christ by identifying the limiting belief that the enemy uses to keep them from living the prosperous life that Christ paid the price to give them, so that they can live the life they love with those they love.

If your life were a quote, what would it be?
You matter. You were created on purpose for a purpose.

If your life were a song, what would it be?
Come Up Here: Jenn Johnson Bethel

What’s one thing most people wouldn’t know about you?
There are many days I have to fight my butt off to take hold of the truth of all that Christ died to give me. There are many days where I feel alone and overwhelmed even though that is what I am constantly building, creating and working toward. I may appear that I’ve got this figured out, but I am learning everyday too.

What’s one of your greatest dreams you’re currently dreaming?
To be a wife and a mother to a family who loves and values themselves and each other. A family who loves God with their whole heart and together lives to see the kingdom of God fully manifest in this world. To be the Mother heart of a creative movement to restore people back to their original identity and design, that the world has ever seen. To see my children and their children’s children be absolutely overtaken with the love of God and live their lives fully surrendered to Him and on fire for Him!!

Why did you join The Dream Factory and Co?
I am a promoter/supporter by nature. Never in my life have I met someone that I wanted to promote and support more than Julia. She is a brilliant and fearless communicator. She has a clear message that I believe in with all my heart and she knows how to activate people better than anyone I have ever seen. And I want to see this message taken to all the world to see people truly step into their original design as a child of God, fully receiving ALL that Christ paid the ultimate price to give them. This is my LEGACY and I want to finish my race by LAUNCHING Julia and her children into theirs. I want to use my gift of creating community and family to help enlarge the foundation on which this movement has a greater capacity to grow into the worldwide movement I know it’s called to.

For the person out there who feels stuck and unclear about their dreams, what would you tell them?
We were created in the IMAGE of GOD!! He was the ultimate Dreamer and Creator. That is our DNA!!! The enemy is a liar, that the only power he has is to keep us believing the lie that keeps us stuck and not able to fully walk in the fullness of our identity in Christ and our God given purpose. Knowing your core root limiting belief/protest and your Limitless Vision/Conviction are absolutely fundamental in accomplishing and walking in the fullness of that.

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