Do you believe you are God’s CHURCH?

Do you want to be a part of what God is doing GLOBALLY, from the comfort of your own home?!

Do you want to join a community of believers who believe in “His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven?”

Maybe you’re reading this blog because you’re on my email list and you enjoy my weekly blogs… or maybe you’re reading this because a friend happened to send this to you… or maybe you “googled” something like “deepen your faith” or “dreaming with God” or “local church.” 

However you got here, I want you to know this:

You’re reading this blog for a VERY SPECIFIC REASON.

God has, in fact, ordained this moment in time for you and I to connect.

I believe it with my whole heart! And I am just grateful that you responded to the NUDGE, whatever that nudge might have been! God’s nudges are the best… profound, random, oftentimes out of the blue, and always at the right time. 

Whether you’ve known me for YEARS or this is the first time we’ve ever met (“hello”), my life has been dramatically transformed because of the YES I gave God in DREAMING with him. For anyone who’s given this same “YES,” you know exactly what I’m referring to. 

If you haven’t found yourself DREAMING WITH GOD, I invite you to do so… you’ll thank me later! Regardless, whether you’re dreaming with God, want to be encouraged in your faith, want to go deeper in the realities of his kingdom, and/or simply want to be used by him in BOLD ways, this is for you!!

I want to invite you to be a part of something so much bigger as we lean in and DREAM: Together and take his name to the nations while establishing THE CHURCH in our very own homes. This is why I believe you are NOT reading this blog by chance, but by the very commissioning of God. 

Check this out!

This is your invitation to – 

DREAM: Church Global Launch Party!!

In this party, I want to share with you a couple of RADICAL God things.

I want to share with you: 

  • My heart behind our ONLINE Church.
  • What God is doing GLOBALLY. He is on the move. 
  • What it means to be His CHURCH and how to establish your own HOME CHURCH, LOCALLY as we launch our online church, 
  • What it means to join our INTERCESSORY team, 
  • How to become an ambassador for THE DREAM TEAM


I believe God is preparing the Body of Christ. 

I believe He has called you. 

I believe you are reading this, right now, for a very specific reason! 


So what do you say? 

Get out of the boat? 

Learn to walk on water with us?! 

Let’s BUILD HIS CHURCH from the comfort of our own home…


And when you’re done, CLICK HERE to take the first steps to LAUNCH with us!