Posts filed under: Morning Devotionals

When Doing the Right Thing is the Hard Thing || Do Not Grow Weary

Who’s ever been there?! You find yourself doing the RIGHT thing, day in and day out, day in and out, day in and day out, and then you just feel ready to quit… throw in the towel. It just feels like doing the right thing is the hard thing. But...

More than a Conqueror: How to Live Victoriously

It’s easy to feel beat up over life. It’s easy to forget who you are. It’s easy to forget whose you are. But who said we wanted easy?!?! Today, we need to stop looking for the path of least resistance and we need to remember WHO we are because of...

You Don’t Got This: Breaking Free from the Chains of False Responsibility

How many of us have found ourselves saying, “I got this!” Can we be honest for just a second? You don’t got this! ...

Lost or Found? Exploring the Depths of our World’s Identity Crisis

Have you ever found yourself saying, “That’s just the way that I am.” If so, you’re not alone in that....

What’s Worship Got to do With It?

What does worship mean to you? How do you worship? When do you worship? More importantly, why do you worship? Worship is something so much more profound then corporate singing or a music set of 20 minutes on a Sunday. It’s more than the event. ...

How’s Your Heart?! From Heartache to Healing

How’s Your Heart?! Well, that’s a loaded question… and it’s ultimately why women run from me at the park… because they know I don’t care about the weather or the news or the latest on social media, I care about their heart.  I care about your heart.  Sooooo… how’s your...

The Art of Embracing Doubt: Turning Uncertainty into Strength

Doubt Much?! Who doesn’t?! As humans, it’s not abnormal to find yourself in moments or even seasons of doubt. Yet, for most, there’s a lot of shame, guilt, and anxiety in moments of doubt that can cause us to misinterpret what it is and what it’s trying to communicate to us....

God’s Glory: Do You See What I See?

Jesus did not die on a cross for facts. He died on a cross because of truth. Jesus did not die on the cross for you to be held back by your past. He died so that you could live in the fullness of his kingdom. Jesus did not die on the...

Your Hole for God’s Whole

We all experience pain. We all have insecurities. We all have deficiencies within us. The problem isn’t whether or not we have a hole within us, the problem is found in what we do with it. What do you do with your pain?...
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