Posts filed under: Church

You Don’t Got This: Breaking Free from the Chains of False Responsibility

How many of us have found ourselves saying, “I got this!” Can we be honest for just a second? You don’t got this! ...

Lost or Found? Exploring the Depths of our World’s Identity Crisis

Have you ever found yourself saying, “That’s just the way that I am.” If so, you’re not alone in that....

DREAM: Church Global Launch Party!

Do you believe you are God’s CHURCH? Do you want to be a part of what God is doing GLOBALLY, from the comfort of your own home?! Do you want to join a community of believers who believe in “His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it...

How’s Your Heart?! From Heartache to Healing

How’s Your Heart?! Well, that’s a loaded question… and it’s ultimately why women run from me at the park… because they know I don’t care about the weather or the news or the latest on social media, I care about their heart.  I care about your heart.  Sooooo… how’s your...
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