Posts filed under: Arise & Align

When Doing the Right Thing is the Hard Thing || Do Not Grow Weary

Who’s ever been there?! You find yourself doing the RIGHT thing, day in and day out, day in and out, day in and day out, and then you just feel ready to quit… throw in the towel. It just feels like doing the right thing is the hard thing. But...

What’s Worship Got to do With It?

What does worship mean to you? How do you worship? When do you worship? More importantly, why do you worship? Worship is something so much more profound then corporate singing or a music set of 20 minutes on a Sunday. It’s more than the event. ...

Alignment over Balance

God’s word says, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all other things will be added to you” Matthew 6:33. This isn’t about balance, this is about alignment. ...
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community