A Lesson in Walking By Faith…

  Today’s lesson is all about…   FAITH.   Most people think that “having faith” is about being religious. It’s not. Faith doesn’t imply what most people think.   And believe it or not, we all live by faith.   Faith is simply getting into your car, leaving your home,...

A Lesson in Fear…

  So in today’s lesson, we are going to be talking about…   FEAR.    I love the acronym that most of us are familiar with when we think about fear… False Evidence Appearing Real    But if you’ve feared anything, and I do mean anything – no matter how...

The Pain Of Avoidance

  Avoidance creates pain in some capacity. The reality is avoidance is not going to get us what we want most in our life. If anything, it’s going to prolong that. On today’s podcast, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry take a closer look at avoidance and why we use this concept...

Stop The Avoidance!

Stop the avoidance!!! Avoidance by MY definition is just prolonging the pain by prolonging the inevitable. STOP THE MADNESS. Here’s what you have to understand about avoidance if you want to ultimately change it: Avoidance creates pain in some capacity. The reality is avoidance is not going to get us...

Do NOT Set Another Goal

A new year means new goals yes?   Why do we love New Year’s? I mean it seems silly enough to ask but consider for a minute, why do you love New Year’s?   Can I tell you why?   It’s because of the hope that it brings! It’s the...

The Struggle Is Real: How To Overcome Mental And Emotional Havoc When Following Your Dreams

  Behind all the successes and other shiny things are the struggles that often don’t get noticed. Familiar to those who are working towards reaching their dreams, we all have some challenges we need to overcome first. If there is one thing many learn along the way, it is that...

Together – Our 2021 Year Long Campaign

Ok. So how about 2020? Not what we expected for this year, eh?   And I can appreciate the consensus that is excited for the New Year as though as soon as January 1 is here, all of this is going to just kind of go away…   Now I...

Know Better, Do Better: How To Be The Best Version of Yourself

  If there is one thing that has become so emphasized in this age of information overload, it is that there will always be ways to become better. We are all capable of progress, growth, and going to the next level. In this episode, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry reflect...

Growing Together In Your Marriage

  Marriage is one of the most powerful and unique relationships we can have as a human being. And the way to have a thriving relationship is by committing to grow together. In this episode, Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry talk about this beautiful union, specifically how you grow in your...

Live Off The Beaten Path And Find Your True Life Purpose

  Achieving your dreams is truly a fantastic thought, but the way towards it will not always be smooth and convenient. Therefore, you must always be ready to live off the beaten path if you want to succeed. Julia Gentry and Travis Gentry get inspiration from their family trip to discuss...
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community