Doubt Kills.

Doubt. Good ol’ doubt. How many of you can identify with either struggling with doubt or actually identify with “being a doubter”?? HERE’S A THOUGHT: Did you know doubt is a learned, survival technique? You weren’t actually born with the skill. You’ve learned it. And you’ve really only mastered it...

How do I Live PURPOSED?

I received an email today from a gal named HALEY who is desiring to live PURPOSED and had the courage to reach out and ask for help!! If you know anything about me, I LIVE FOR THE HELP!!!!! In her email she described herself as: “Not feeling good enough… Doesn’t...

STOP Fearing Change and Become a Change Agent

CHANGE. A 6 letter word that takes our very breath away. I am the first to admit, I dig me some change. I like it A LOT. But for most, it’s not our jam. Or so we think. I am here to tell you that as long as we convince...

Stuck in “I don’t know”

How many of you resonate with the following statement: “I don’t know.” It can be a big picture “I don’t know” like “I don’t know what to do with my life” or it can be small items like “I don’t know what I want for dinner.” I don’t know how...

Creating a GREAT Place to Work thru PURPOSE

I’ve been HONORED to have the chance to work with April and Anthony Lambatos, owners of Footers Catering, a second-generation business. Having been long terms friends and confidants in the business community together, it was amazing to come along side them as their “GROWTH COACH” in helping them AND their...

Live “I GET TO”  ...

Stop Seeking Balance #RETHINK

Balance Isn’t. I’m going to ask you to #RETHINK how you view the idea of balance in this blog. So beware. Really, anytime I give you the chance to #RETHINK, it’s just a different perspective to view life through… if you’re current one isn’t working or you just wanna sharpen...

Is Your Life Exciting?

E is for Excited OVER Easy. One will feed your EGO and one will feed your SOUL. (An excerpt from my upcoming book (get) OVER it.) I don’t want to die because I am just so excited to live. ME This is pretty much where I live most of my...

Easy is Overrated

E is for Excited OVER Easy. One will feed your EGO and one will feed your SOUL. (An excerpt from my upcoming book (get) OVER it.) I don’t want to die because I am just so excited to live. ME This is pretty much where I live most of my...

Roadmap to Purpose

So I think ultimately, the greatest topic/idea/concept to consider is PURPOSE. Now I know, I’m biased. It’s like saying “my kid is the cutest”… (mine really are, bu that’s besides the point) But really, what else is there?! Sure, make money, fall in love, do cool things, travel to amazing...
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community