How many of us have found ourselves saying, “I got this!” Can we be honest for just a second? You don’t got this! 

If we’re not careful, we take on this false responsibility that causes us to be all things for all people. Then, we live in a very “social” world that screams “Look at me! Look at how much I’ve got!”

“I got this!” you say. 

You don’t got this. 

But who says that’s a bad thing?!?! 

In attempting to “got it,” we are striving, pushing, forcing, controlling, and ultimately, burning ourselves out. Maybe you can related. 

That’s why you feel depleted… tired… anxious… unclear… overwhelmed… all the things.

It’s because you know, deep down… you don’t got this.

Well, join the club of a lifetime! 
God’s word says, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord” Zechariah 4:6.

When God calls us to do BOLD things for Him, we begin to see how real the need for his Spirit is.

When LIFE happens and we wish for a “boat,” we see how real his Spirit is.

When the enemy begins to rob, steal, and destroy the dreams God’s given us, we see how real his Spirit is.

I am here to tell you today God’s Spirit is REAL and he wants to do in and through you what you could never do on your own!!!

So if you’re in a battle today, do not surrender to the battle. Surrender to God… yield to him and let him do in and through you what only he can do in and through you.

Listen to the full morning devotional HERE 

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