Dare to Dream: An Interview with the Author

  Julia Gentry’s book is finally here! Dream – I Dare You is Julia’s dream come true. To her, holding the book, fresh straight out of the press, is something surreal, yet something that she felt has played out in her head so many times that each of those times...

How to Overcome Your Doubt and Manifest Your Dreams

  In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about doubt and how you can overcome your doubt to manifest your dreams.   Because who doesn’t struggle with doubt?   I know I do. And I’m sure you do too.   If we’re honest, we all probably struggle with doubt…...

How to Overcome Doubt: The Hidden Potential Behind Life’s Every Indecision

  This episode is all about overcoming doubt, but before anything else, Julia and Travis Gentry would like you to do away with your every preconception of the word and approach it with a fresh set of eyes. Doubt has always gotten a bad rap, but Julia and Travis view...

STOP Doing This If You Want to Live Your Dreams

Did you know there are ROADBLOCKS to living your dreams? Yea, who’d a thought?!   You wanna know the first 3, the “tricky triplets” I call them: Avoidance. Busy. Comparison.   How many of you can relate to those tricky triplets? Lemme put it this way: It’s nearly impossible to...

A Lesson in Dreaming…

Last week was a lesson in Manifesting! OR, another way to put it, a Lesson in Getting YOU to Pay Attention!   And I think it really caught your attention! Which is good, because if you remember, and in my book, DREAM – I Dare You, I make this statement:...

8 Life Hacks To Succeed At Life

  There will never be a surefire way to success, but some little hacks in life can do wonders in setting you up for that journey. On today’s show, Julia and Travis Gentry share something lighthearted and yet truthful about what really changed their lives in so many different ways....

A Lesson in Manifesting…

Last week was a lesson in meditating.   And what I taught you about meditating and the basis of its functionality is (by definition), the ability to focus one’s thoughts, to reflect, to engage in contemplation.   Many say “I don’t know how to meditate” but the truth is, if...

A Lesson in Meditating…

Today is a lesson in meditating.   After last week’s ACTIVATED message of faith, I had a dreamer reach out and say, “Ok. I love the principle of faith… doing something with the dreams you have, acting on what Gods asking you to do, but how do I get clear...

The Walk Of Faith To Greater Things

  We’ve probably all had to take a few leaps of faith in our lives, but what does it mean to walk in faith throughout the whole journey? Imagine that leap of faith extending for the whole course of your life. Imagine it taking over and becoming the theme for...

Do You Need Clarity?

If we all want clarity in our life, why are so few actually clear? Believe it or not, we stay unclear because it’s giving us something. Even though we admit we don’t like being unclear, it’s benefitting us somehow in some way; otherwise we wouldn’t hang onto it. In my...
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DREAM - I Dare You
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A WAKE UP Call to Create Greater Alignment in Your Faith, Family, Career, and Community